Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities (BRAVO) is a non-profit and nongovernmental organization. BRAVO is a professional organization based and focused on knowledge, entrepreneurship, civil society development, non-formal education and innovative learning and development techniques for young people and adults. What makes our organization outstanding and ready to take responsibility are the key principles we nurture, celebrate and act upon: tolerance, democracy, diversity, voluntariness and openness. By promoting partnerships between the private, public sector and civil society, BRAVO is in a great position to influence and contribute to sustainable local community development, especially while enabling youth to gain the skills that are needed in the 21st century, fostering more accessible, offering and inclusive non-formal education, as well as while investing in innovations and entrepreneurship. In order to achieve ambitious goals, accelerate much-needed changes in various spheres of society and assist as many people as possible, BRAVO’s teams work in the following fields/topics/key areas: Human Rights, Anti-Trafficking, People with disabilities, Reproductive health and STDs, Gender Equality and Combating Gender-Based Violence, Sports on a daily basis, Audio and Video production, People with fewer opportunities, Organizing events, Entrepreneurship, IT and ICT, Technology, Humanitarian actions, National and International projects, Support in fight against Criminal and Corruption, Accelerating start-ups, Industry 4.0, Entrepreneurship, Project management, Refugee and Migrants, Creative Actions, but at the same time we are working on publishing books, brochures, newsletters, flyers, affiliations, similar publications and a lot of other activities. Our general target group are young people within the age of 15 to 35, but, as it could be seen from the above – BRAVO focuses on all the people that are in need of help and our support. Bearing that in mind, we say that we care for people from 3 to 103. The focus of our organization is on international projects, including all sectors and topics above, but at the same time, we constantly keep a strong focus on working with people with fewer opportunities and taking care of European values and principles. In these efforts, BRAVO’s teams are working closely with institutions and organizations that care for people with disabilities and such cooperation is motivating and enabling us to successfully and regularly organize sign language courses and do sports activities with people who are blind or have impaired vision. Whether as coordinators or hosting organization, we are bringing participants from all over Europe to participate in the work of institutions as volunteers and to, in a unique way, learn about the different ways in which they can be helpful to these particularly sensitive categories
Bosnian Association for Valuable Opportunities