is a non-profit organization, established in December 2009, by a well-known group of journalists. TFL operates under the guidance of an Advisory Board consisting of 5 members, experts in various academic fields and Executive Director. Call: [ERASMUS-YOUTH-2021-CB] — [Capacity Building in the field of Youth] EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021 24 TFL objectives and values are actualized in the society and the needs of the youngsters by:• Promoting the values of non-formal learning, voluntarism, active citizenship and democracy for the creation of a better future for the Albanian youth;- Assisting vulnerable groups through information, education, capacity building and advocacy; Using new media and art to encourage youth expression, to raise awareness about human rights and to promote gender equality; Upscaling and upgrading youth work using non-formal learning as a bridge between different sectors, creating new tools and methodologies; Since 2009, TFL has organized and coordinated different initiatives related to youth exchange experiences, youth training, youth community based initiatives/services, in local, national level and cross-border programme. During 2010-2014 implemented 4 (four) projects of Youth in Action Programme, financially supported by EU in Brussels. Currently TFL is implementing two projects under the Erasmus + Programme. 1. “Power on Competencies”1 which aims to raise capacities of 6 partner organizations from Western Balkan and EU countries in the topic of youth empowerment and social rights through multimedia. This project aims to equip youth workers with skills & competencies for empowering young people with fewer opportunities to actively participate in local, national and European level through usage of new media tools. 2. Acting Youth, Get SMACT aims to increase the competencies of youth workers in EU and WB on media literacy. The objective of the project is to build the skills and the capacities of youth workers to assess and to have a critical understanding of the media, as well as to interact with the media. Since 2015, TFL is part of Youth Voice Network in Albania with 21 local NGOs. TFL has organized and coordinated different initiatives to promote equal opportunities for women and men. The main goal has been women’s economic empowerment. Through projects and initiatives undertaken over the years, TFL has aimed to support Albanian women, whose role as mother, wife, sister, daughter, head of household, entrepreneur, is very important for the advancement of the Albanian economy and society. The focus of the organization is the capacity building of women and in particular the economic empowerment of Albanian women through integration in the labor market and providing support for the establishment and expansion of sustainable and competitive enterprises in the market. In this regard, TFL has established the first online platform for entrepreneurial women in Albania (https://womeninbusiness.al/) to promote and support businesses running by women, especially for the ones coming from marginalized groups as rural areas, women returned from immigration, Roma and Egyptian women, and inmates) to increase their market and also to create more networking opportunities. The Women in Business Fair is already a tradition of Together for Life organization. TFL has conducted also a study among women entrepreneurs1 to understand the general business climate in Albania for women entrepreneurs and the impact from the autumn 2019 earthquakes and the COVID-19 pandemic in their business activity. TFL has built the capacities of hosts of 32 guesthouses in Albania and has encouraged women to become entrepreneurs of their family businesses through the promotion of tourism and agro-processing. One of the strengths of the “Together For Life” is media. Because its staff has a long experience in journalism, “Together for Life” has established in 2010 the Club of Journalists of Social Affairs. One of their focuses is the labor market. In 2013-2014 with the support of IFC (International Finance Corporation) “Together for Life” conducted a series of trainings for journalists of national and local media, who covered economic issues. The aim of the project was to enable journalists to report professionally on labor market issues