Training course in Tirana, Albania 02-06 October 2022
The second training course took place in Tirana, Albania, on 02-06 October 2022, with the participation of 26 young fashion designers, youth workers/leaders and young people from Albania, Greece, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Serbia and Montenegro. The TC aimed to train and open new horizons of creation for young creators throughout the costume and fashion production chain. The course introduced a variety of techniques related to fashion design and production, with a particular focus on those that derive their roots from the tradition and history of the people in the region. These techniques included inspirational techniques, design and construction, weaving, and dyeing.
One of the key themes of the course was the use of traditional techniques and materials to create modern fashion pieces. By combining traditional techniques with contemporary design concepts, the participants were able to produce unique and innovative fashion pieces that reflected their cultural heritage while also showcasing their creative talents. In addition to the technical aspects of fashion design and production, the course also emphasized the importance of sustainability and ethical practices in the fashion industry. Participants learned about the environmental and social impacts of fashion production and were encouraged to adopt sustainable and ethical practices in their own work
To improve employability and entrepreneurship in young people. Its main objective is to develop skills to young people, so that they can valorize elements of the cultural tradition of their country in relation to fashion and be able to work in this industry.
To bring together different cultures in terms of fashion and costume habits and to train young designers and young people that are interested to work in the fashion sector on how they can draw on their national tradition.
To promote the Digitalisation Agenda and deliver images, designs / patterns and videos in 360ο technology.
Together for Life NGO, as the host organization in Albania, was in charge of planning and carrying out the detailed daily program of the TC (with the objectives, methods, learning outcomes for all sessions) and also on arranging the practicalities and technical support (venue, hotel, local travel, cultural programs) and support on site. The training targets fashion designers from 5 partner countries: Greece, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro. The activity provided a valuable opportunity for young fashion designers from different countries to come together, learn from one another, and develop their skills and knowledge in a supportive and inspiring environment. They had the opportunity to explore traditional costumes, theaters, patterns, in search for inspiration and ideas. The TC was based on non-formal principles and a holistic approach, where attitudes and knowledge of participants were developed together with practical skills